Margaret Anne Garner, Lymphoedema Clinic, Strathcarron Hospice, NHS Forth Valley.
Margaret Anne Garner
Specialist Lymphoedema Practitioner
Lymphoedema Clinic, Strathcarron Hospice, NHS Forth Valley.

Margaret Anne is a Specialist Lymphoedema Practitioner based in an outpatient clinic at Strathcarron Hospice, NHS Forth Valley. Her diverse nursing background includes experience in burns care, prison nursing and palliative care. For the past 16 years, lymphoedema has been her professional passion.

Margaret Anne is dedicated to improving services for individuals with lymphoedema of any cause and enjoys the flexibility of her role, which encompasses clinical caseload management, education and health promotion. She is a member of the British Lymphology Society and currently serves as Chair of the National Lymphoedema Partnership. Her particular area of interest is the management of breast lymphoedema.